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Our focus is Reliability Improvement

The following are key elements to our proposed improvement process.


What value we bring to the table

We would like to bring tangible benefits to the organization and therefore commences with a reliability audit to establish to what extend we can contribute. The “current state” is established, and a roadmap with business plan developed to bring the organization to the “envisaged state”.


Criticality Analysis

The starting point in any improvement program is to identify critical assets so that efforts can be directed in the right direction.


Digitizing/Optimizing the Maintenance Processes

Conducting maintenance processes digitally brings a multitude of benefits. One being the opportunity to optimize the maintenance processes whilst developing the new digital platform with unnecessary and redundant work being eliminated. In addition to removing paper from the processes and streamlining it, conducting inspections on mobile devices brings a totally new dimension to the program. Digital inspection elements such as responsible person, GPS position, date/time of execution, checklists, drop down lists, photographs, videos, signatures are introduced to define digital inspection lists resulting in data rich feedback from the maintenance processes.


Using quality data to identify opportunities

Using digital processes enable the direct linking of failure codes/failure reasons when recording feedback. A much-improved data granularity is thus introduced which assists with the identification of high impact and recurring failures. Monetizing these incidents presents a totally different perspective on the impact of failures and the costs of un-reliability.


Eliminate Failures

The use of the RCFA Cause Mapping methodology linked to scientific based evidence assists with the identification of root causes and implementation of possible solutions. Software allows tracking the effect of the solutions with ROI calculated for each solution and presented to the organisation as part of the reliability improvement initiative.


Eliminate Defects

The use of formal and ad hoc digital inspections provides a list of defects which previously were not recorded. Small multidisciplinary teams are used in a bottom-up approach to eliminate these defects as part of 100-day elimination projects. Estimated ROIs for each elimination project are presented on a reliability improvement forum.


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